Recruitment Fraud Warning

It has come to our attention that some individuals or organizations are falsely claiming to represent Phillips 66 and offering fraudulent employment opportunities. These scammers may ask for personal information or advance payment for employment screening activities.

Please be aware:

Phillips 66 will never seek fees or sensitive personal information from job applicants. Unauthorized or fraudulent recruiting communications and social media postings have been made using the Phillips 66 name, logo, and facility names (e.g., Sweeny Refinery).

What to Watch Out For:

  • Do not send money or provide personal details to anyone suggesting they can provide employment with Phillips 66.
  • Legitimate job postings will always link directly to our careers page on
  • Phillips 66 will never send you an email using an address such as Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail.
  • Email communications from our company will never request sensitive financial or personal information such as social security numbers, passport information, dates of birth, credit card numbers, banking information, etc.

How to Identify a Scam:

  • Unsolicited Job Offers
  • Request for Personal Information (Social Security Number, Passport information, banking information, passwords, etc.)
  • Misspellings of Phillips 66 in online domain names or email addresses
  • Advance Payment Requests for recruitment, employment screening activities or other fees
  • Offer of employment without physical interviews with Phillips 66 employee

What to Do If You Suspect Fraud:

  • Do not respond to unsolicited offers of employment from people claiming to work for, or be affiliated with, Phillips 66.
  • If you are suspicious of the authenticity of a communication you received regarding employment with Phillips 66, please contact us at

For more information on employment scams, visit